
Footsbarn's Christmas Cracker

A midwinter celebration of London's rich, bawdy, pagan past. The Christmas 'Mummers' beat the ground to bring back the light of the new year and The Lord of Misrule reigns supreme over the Feast of Fools ensuring that all the laws are broken in his hedonistic realm.

Three headed Shakespeare returns to recite more unforgettable lines of poetry and discovers words that had never even been heard. And by popular demand the worm is back!

Bottom hasn't turned into an ass but King Lear! 'Blow winds and crack your cheeks'. The festive frivolities raise the roof as 'Madame' whips an unrepentant Richard III and the question on everyone's lips is will Shakespeare be canonised?

What's in the cracker? Pull it and see... Carnival, music, ritual, song, dance, circus, magic, stunts, tragedy and comedy. Life and death. Darkness and light. Funky and scary.

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