Michael Gira

Michael Gira

American musician, author, and artist, the man behind the Swans and front man with Angels of Light.

His debut studio album was 1988's 'Shame, Humility, Revenge', following the release of the compilation 'A Diamond Hidden in the Mouth of a Corpse' a year earlier, with other albums including: "Drainland" (1995), "Jarboe Emergency Medical Fund (live)" (1999), "Somniloquist" (2000), "Solo Recordings at Home" (2001), "What We Did (with Dan Matz)" (2001), "Living '02" (2002), "I Am Singing To You from My Room" (2004), "Songs for a Dog" (2006), "I Am Not Insane" (2010), plus 2016's: "I Am Not This".

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EartH [Hackney Arts Centre]
Stoke Newington